During the past week, special guests at our factory in Veliko Tarnovo were 3rd and 4th year students and their teachers from the University of Food Technology.

The young specialists were welcomed by Magdalena Sergieva, HR director at PRESTIGE, who introduced them to the company’s history and successful development over the years.

Some of our dear colleagues with over 15 years of experience in the company, Maya Ivanova, Operational Planning and Warehousing Manager, Ivanka Ivanova, Quality Manager and Lilia Laleva, Chief Technologist shared with the students their experience, professional development and realization in the company. Some of them are also graduates of the University of Food Technology, which further intrigued our guests.

In addition to the interesting lecture, the future food technologists had the opportunity to visit Prestige’s  modern production area, R&D labs and innovative warehouse and to observe our real time production processes. Our guest were impressed by the high-tech equipment from leading European suppliers from Italy and Germany as well as  by the expertise of PRESTIGE employees and their motivation to always provide products with superior taste and excellent quality.

The visit of the students from the University of Food Technology is part of their program and a mandatory element for getting to know real business processes and operating enterprises.

We are proud to be their host every year and to be able to share with them the magic of PRESTIGE.


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