Celebrating Independence Day at the US Embassy in Sofia

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our American friends and partners on this momentous occasion. Being invited to the celebrations at the US Embassy in Sofia was an incredible honor, and we are so grateful to have been a part of it.

As part of the festivities, we had the unique opportunity to share our special edition tin box of biscuits, „Bulgaria for Sharing.“  This gift left a lasting impression on the guests, not only because it featured a favorite biscuits from the Bulgaria’s top food producer but also because it shared fascinating facts about our country.

„Bulgaria for Sharing“ is more than just a box of delicious biscuits. It is a cultural journey, offering a taste of Bulgaria and insights into our rich heritage. It was a joy to see the enthusiasm and appreciation from everyone who received one of our tins.

We thank the US Embassy in Sofia for including us in the celebration of the 248th anniversary of the American independence.

Happy 4th of July!


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