Brand with a purpose – Trayana. Share goodness, spread kindness

At Prestige, we believe that the small acts of kindness are extremely powerful. It is often the case that everything, as we know it, changes, which makes us feel weaker. Exactly at times like these, we need to remind ourselves that there is good everywhere around us. Some would think that such small gestures of gratitude, empathy, and compassion are insignificant, yet they have the ability to turn someone’s day around and, viewed together, make a difference.

Our brands are some of the most popular among Bulgarian consumers, who truly love our products. Therefore, those brands do have the power to convey messages that matter, educate, and create positive impact. We believe it is our responsibility to build brands with a purpose and thus make a change.

Trayana’s purpose is to remind people about the small acts of kindness, which collectively, make the world a better place. They can put a smile on someone’s face, are able to bring positive energy into life and restore our faith in humanity because there is still kindness in the world. With Trayana, we have the ambition to inspire as many people as we can to become better, approach others with kindness, and spread love where they can, because every small deed matters.

Doing good is contagious and does make you, if even, happier than receiving it.

Do something nice for someone and inspire on!

TRAYANA. Goodness that needs to be shared.


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